Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lush Haul Again

I admit, I've been lazy again. Why? Because school's over!! Yay!! I'm late to post these pictures since I received my packages last Thursday, but I have posted pictures on the Lush forums. So here they are!

I had 2 orders, one from the NA Fragrance chat party and one from a Lush store in Texas placed by phone order.

The one from Texas contained these goodies:
Almond Buttercream, Skinny Buttercream, and samples of: Coco Lotion, Snow Fairy Shower Gel, Alkmaar Soap, and Silky Underwear Dusting Powder! I order the two buttercreams because they are discontinued and I wanted to try them before they become nonexistent.

Samples were filled to the brim!

Guess what else I got?

A freakin' note from the SA I talked to on the phone named Sherry!


Almond Buttercream looks so gross here, haha. It looks like a piece of dung. It doesn't really smell that good to me at dry sniff. It just smells like soap.

I like the scent of Skinny Dip. It's spicy, and I can smell like a hint of a gingery undertone. I'm not even sure if there's any ginger in Skinny Dip. I can't wait to use this in the showa!

Oooh, the goodies from the chat party!

Here I have: Honey Lumps, Flying Saucers, Green Green Bath of Foam, Rainbow Worrier, Gold, Frankencense, and Beer Shower Jelly, Frothy the Snowman, Christmas Morning, Bon Bomb, Mr. Butterball (this was a replacement of Twinkle because Lush called me and told me they were out of stock!), Christmas Massage Bar, Chocolate Santa, Star Melt (this was from the stocking stuffer promotion)

Samples I got were:

Honey I Washed the Kids, Red Rooster, and Pineapple Grunt

I also requested a gift message this time just to see what it looked like.

Maybe next time I'll put a poem or something. Merry Christmas everyone!!

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